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Let's talk about "Analysis Paralysis"

Updated: Feb 20, 2023

You know that feeling you get when you're so focused on gathering information that you forget you're supposed to actually do something about the problem that you're trying to solve? It's easy to fall into this trap, but why is it so common and how can we avoid it and create more opportunities?

One reason that we tend to overthink things is that we feel like we're being productive when we're gathering information. But let's be real - we're not really on the path to solving anything yet. We're just observing the problem. We might think that if we just keep gathering data, an obvious solution will magically appear. Unfortunately, that's not how it works in the real world.

Another reason we get stuck in analysis paralysis is that we use complexity as an excuse not to take action. The more information we have, the harder it is to make sense of it all. We convince ourselves that the problem is too complicated to solve and that we need to keep studying it. In most cases, the information we have is enough to take some initial steps. When we do take action, we often discover things we never would have seen otherwise.

I know it can be scary to take action when we don't have all the information we need. Think of it like a boxer in the ring. You can't just dance around forever - eventually, you have to throw some punches. Even if you make mistakes, you'll learn from them and be better prepared for the next round.

Now, I'm not saying you should just take random actions without a plan. That's not productive either. Leaders who are willing to take risks and make tough decisions, even in the face of uncertainty, are the ones who create real change. There are always going to be tough problems that require bold action. Leaders who can step up and take that action are always going to be in high demand.

So let's stop overthinking things and start taking action. It's not always easy, but it's necessary if we want to create more opportunities and make a real difference.


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